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Dear friend/family/visitor/bot,
I hope this web page finds you well :)
I finished my studies in HPC at the University of Edinburgh , worked for a while at EPCC, then moved to MIT to work at CTP / LNS. Since Aug 2008, I have immigrated to Montreal, my new home city and started Joylab.
Available in the following formats:
- html (en français)
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Random Tid Bits
Here's a feature article I wrote for LinuxWorld Magazine on the IBM BlueGene System:
"Deep Into Blue Gene, Open Technologies in a Petaflops Supercomputer"
[LinuxWorld html] [cached pdf] - Here's a nice word from Bob Zurek, Director of Advanced Technologies at IBM regarding my article
- This is the MSc thesis I worked on at EPCC entitled "Kernel Performance on QCDOC" [EPCC pdf] [cached pdf]
Feel free to contact me.